Event: Pop! Gothic: Viewing Popular Culture Through the Gothic

16th May 2024, 4.30pm-6pm, Pom Kitchen, Crookes, Sheffield

We’re so excited to welcome back the OG Sheffield Goths, Dr. Mary Going and Dr. Lauren Nixon, for what we’re sure will be an amazing in-person talk on popular culture and the Gothic.

The Gothic is a tradition that has continually mutated and adapted across the centuries, harnessing literature, art, music and fashion to explore society’s ever-changing anxieties and anticipations. But why is the Gothic still so relevant in today’s post-millennial world, and what do we learn when we use the Gothic as a lens to examine our reality? Join the Ghoul Guides, Dr. Lauren Nixon and Dr. Mary Going, for an exploration of the Gothic’s intersections with pop culture and the significance of Gothic aesthetics, tropes, and ideologies in contemporary culture.

We’re delighted that this event will be hosted by Pom Kitchen, Crookes, who will absolutely take care of all your hot drink + snack needs! Spaces are limited, so please sign-up here to reserve a space.

About The Ghoul Guides

Dr Mary Going researches the intersection of religion and theology with Gothic and horror narratives, focusing in particular on Christianity and Judaism. She is currently a Research Associate at the University of Sheffield, and is one half [or the other half] of the Ghoul Guides, a digital media project that creates Gothic inspired pop culture content. She is co-editor of Religious Horror and the Ecogothic which is due to be published by Lexington Press later this year.

Dr Lauren Nixon specialises in representations of masculinity, nationality and war in the Gothic tradition. She currently works in doctoral research community and environment at Nottingham Trent University and is one half of the Ghoul Guides, a digital media project that creates Gothic inspired pop culture content. Her first monograph, The Gothic at War, sis forthcoming from the University of Wales Press.